Décor Flooring | Newest Product Venture

Posted on: September 27th, 2021 by Emily Hauber | No Comments

CITY’s has recently launched décor flooring!


Décor flooring is mats geared towards brand image compared to CITY’s regular mats that are predominantly used for utility purposes and safety. The décor flooring is designed to achieve everything the traditional mats provide, but they offer exciting patterns and color options for customers to enhance the internal environments of their business.


Stan Schlotthauer, Director of Customer Relations said, “We’ve got a wide range of customers that have a wide range of environments, from higher-end office environments, through different types of lobby entrances, to employee break rooms, that require a little different image than a traditional solid colored mat. While they still need the protection and safety that a walk-off mat provides, the decor flooring provides an opportunity for us to help them enhance their image and show a little differently than a traditional, standard, solid-colored walk-off mat.”

“The manufacturer and supplier partner that we’ve chosen has a very strong history with this particular product, this particular item. The patterns that they can produce, the quality of the construction. I was a part of launching this product in the past and had a tremendous round of success,” Stan said.


“We are the only providers of this item in our geography. So it gives us a competitive advantage in many instances and allows us to take and strengthen what are already very good customer relationships and crank them up another level. Because we’re providing them with something that they can’t get anywhere else,” Stan added.


“We’ve achieved total buy-in from everybody involved. We have an absolutely wonderfully talented internal marketing department that’s come up with some great support material, from pictures to wording to the actual advertisement of the product. Developing leave-behind material for customers to be able to keep in their hands. A pretty good-sized amount of sampling items for our route representatives and our district managers and our sales representatives, to actually be able to take that product then physically and show customers. They get a chance to not only see it but experience it,” Stan mentioned.


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