Meet Tracer Rankin | CITY’s New Recruiter
I have been working at CITY as the Recruitment Coordinator for just over a month now, and I already love the amazing people and the family culture. From the first day I visited Oelwein for my interview, everyone has been very friendly, open, and welcoming. You can tell people are happy to be here, and I immediately knew I wanted to work at CITY.
Getting to know people has been really fun and interesting. Everyone is approachable and communicates in an open and friendly manner. Even upper management has an open-door policy, and everyone feels very connected. There’s not a hierarchy in how you’re treated here. Everyone is a person, not a number. It’s a very inclusive environment. I love getting to go on plant tours during an interview and learn more about the production side of the business. There is so much that goes on in the plant, and it’s very helpful to understand exactly what the duties are for a job when I’m recruiting for that position. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow in my role, and help CITY with their continuous growth.
Before coming to CITY, I majored in Human Resource Management at the University of Northern Iowa. I graduated in May, and while in school, I had three amazing internships that gave me great opportunities to experience all aspects of Human Resources and business. I discovered that recruiting was what I enjoyed most, and it gave me a lot of energy. I’m very excited to be leading the recruiting efforts for CITY mostly because it has been a great place to work with because of the wonderful people.
My aunt works in HR, which is what originally drew me to the field. While I was a senior, I found my way to CITY when Emily Hauber, Director of Communications, reached out to me on LinkedIn. After talking with her for just 15 minutes, I knew she was the kind of person I wanted to work with. She really focuses on finding good people, not just filling open positions, but finding people who are the right fit, and then finding the best role for them. When we first spoke, I mentioned that recruiting was my passion, but the recruiting position was not available at that time. Emily sensed that I would be a good culture fit for the company, so we stayed in touch. Shortly after I graduated, Emily contacted me again to tell me she had found a recruiting position for me after all.
If I could offer tips to potential applicants that I may speak with, I’d tell them that I look for someone who is personable, who can hold a good conversation, and shows excitement about a new career opportunity, especially if they’re excited about CITY.
Showing off your passion in an interview is a good way to stand out, especially if you have done your research about our company. That tells me that you really are interested in this job, not just any job. Beyond that, it’s important to be yourself. It’s natural to be nervous during your interview, (I know I was) but try to relax and focus on having a good conversation. Also, make sure to ask your own questions to learn more about the company and the position. I love talking to new people so much that I often lose track of time because I’m having so much fun in my job. Before I know it, it’s the end of the day, and it’s time to go home!
When I’m not working, you can find me competing in rodeos, trail riding with my horse, and spending time with my twin sister Taylor. I currently live in Cedar Falls, but I’m originally from Postville, Iowa. Through high school, I competed with a rodeo circuit in Wisconsin where I competed in barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, break away, and team roping. I don’t get to compete as much anymore, but I still, do when I find the time.
I also love to travel. It’s on my bucket list to some day travel to all 50 states. Currently, I’ve been to 34 states. My favorite place I’ve traveled to, though, is France. I studied abroad for two weeks after graduating from college. There were so many amazing things to see, and it was incredible to be there. I did struggle to be away from home, but I’m still thankful for the amazing experience. My favorite place to be is riding my horse in the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming.
If you know someone who would make a great CITY employee, send them my way. My phone number is 319.389.3412, and my email is Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or connect me with a potential job candidate!
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