Tailoring Success | Why Your Company’s Uniform Program Shouldn’t Be One Size Fits All

Posted on: October 23rd, 2023 by Maddie Schneider | No Comments

In the world of corporate solutions, the concept of customization is often the key differentiator that sets one company apart from another.

For CITY to be a leader in uniform services, being able to customize a company’s uniform needs rings especially true. According to Chriss Carsello, the Director of Sales at CITY, their ability to tailor uniform programs to meet specific client needs is a game-changer.

“Being able to customize is truly one of CITY‘s big differentiators,” Chriss emphasizes. “We have the flexibility to take care of the client’s needs by creating a program tailored to fit those needs.”

Chriss draws an intriguing parallel between customizing uniform programs and selecting the right vehicle for a specific job. It’s a simple but powerful analogy – just as you wouldn’t use a 1970s rear-wheel-drive Buick in hazardous weather, your uniform program should be tailored to your specific requirements.


“We can give you the four-wheel, we can give you the front wheel, or we can give you the all-wheel drive,” Chriss explains. “Whatever is truly going to take care of your needs, we are willing to do that.”


So, how does the customization process unfold at CITY Laundering?


1. Analyze the Customer’s Needs:

CITY treats its customers as partners. The first step is taking the time to understand what each client needs to succeed. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a collaborative effort to craft a solution that aligns with the unique requirements of each business.


2. Understand the Landscape:

The team at CITY prioritizes gaining a deep understanding of the client’s workplace environment. By engaging with stakeholders and comprehending the intricacies of the work setting, they can identify ways to simplify processes, save time, and ultimately, enhance efficiency.


3. Explore New Ideas:

Customization often involves thinking outside the box. CITY Laundering doesn’t just stop at providing clean uniforms; they may introduce innovative ideas, such as offering hygienically clean certified garments or delivering garments in sanitized tubs. This forward-thinking approach ensures that the uniform program aligns with the evolving needs and standards of the business.


According to Chriss, this effort to customize solutions for businesses is a crucial aspect of p

roviding Clean and Simple services – a philosophy at the core of CITY Laundering. Customizing uniform programs can lead to significant benefits for businesses, including cost savings, improved efficiency, and a greater ability to focus on customer needs.


“It’s coming up with a customizable solution that’s going to simplify their day-to-day,” Chriss affirms. “It’s truly understanding what it is that they’re trying to accomplish, building a partnership, and facilitating growth.”


In essence, CITY Laundering isn’t just delivering clean workwear uniforms; they’re delivering tailored solutions that empower businesses to thrive in their unique environments. This is not just the motto for the industrial uniform division, but it is instilled into the CITY culture from the first aid division and the CITY healthcare division.


“We are looking for partnerships that last beyond the first contract,” Chriss said. “We want to find true partners that last for decades.”


So, when it comes to uniform, linen or floor mat programs, remember – one size does not fit all, and finding the right partner who encourages customization is the key to success.


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