The Astonishing Business Savings Behind a Managed Cleaning Product System

Posted on: January 22nd, 2024 by Maddie Schneider | No Comments

The Surprising Benefits of Having a Cleaning Product Solution Managed by CITY.


Managing a business involves juggling various responsibilities, some more apparent than others. Among the less obvious but crucial tasks is the management of cleaning products and chemicals. This task, often overlooked, can lead to significant hidden costs and operational inefficiencies.

“Oftentimes, managing the program gets thrown to someone that is in a custodial position, which is often new employees or a higher turnover position. Companies don’t always have someone with the training to manage those line items.” said Colin Wetlaufer, President of CITY.


The importance of effective facility management can go unrecognized. While many organizations prioritize sales, marketing, and product development, the management of even cleaning products plays a critical yet understated role in overall business success. Inadequate attention to this area can lead to a decline in morale, compromised safety, and reduced productivity, which directly impact the bottom line.

The Oversight in Cleaning Product Management

Businesses often delegate the task of managing cleaning products to janitorial staff, a decision that may seem practical at first glance. However, this practice can lead to significant inefficiencies and potential risks, especially when these employees are untrained and part of a high-turnover workforce. The lack of proper management in handling cleaning chemicals can result in both underuse and overuse, each carrying its own set of consequences.

  • The Pitfalls of Underusing Cleaning Chemicals

Underusing cleaning chemicals may appear to be a cost-saving measure, but it can have far-reaching implications. Insufficient use of cleaning agents can lead to ineffective cleaning, resulting in unhygienic conditions. This neglect can foster environments conducive to the spread of germs and bacteria, posing health risks to employees and customers alike. In a time when cleanliness is closely scrutinized, maintaining a hygienic environment is not just a matter of appearance, but employees tend to be more productive when a business prioritizes the cleanliness of their work environment.

  • The Dangers of Overusing Cleaning Chemicals

On the other hand, the overuse of cleaning chemicals is equally problematic. Excessive use of these products can lead to increased costs for the business, diminishing the intended efficiency of having an in-house janitorial team. More importantly, overuse can pose health hazards due to the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. This can affect indoor air quality and lead to health issues among employees, such as respiratory problems, allergies, and other chemical-related sensitivities.

The Hidden Costs and Inefficiencies

When businesses neglect proactive management of their cleaning product supply, it often results in inefficient and costly practices. In such scenarios, employees may need to urgently purchase products at retail stores, which leads to several drawbacks.

  • Firstly, there’s the additional cost of retail pricing, typically higher than bulk or wholesale rates.
  • Secondly, the time and resources spent on these emergency trips—such as transportation costs and the time an employee spends away from their usual duties—add to significant expenses.
  • Furthermore, this situation leaves janitorial staff without the necessary supplies, forcing them to switch to other tasks, which disrupts their productivity and workflow.

The inability to purchase in bulk not only means paying more per unit but also missing out on the efficiencies and savings that come with planned, bulk purchasing.

The Solution for Your Cleaning Solution Business Needs

CITY takes on the role of facilitating better options when it comes to your business’s cleaning needs. Outsourcing your needs to a partner like CITY, it provides an option to prevent under-use or over-use of cleaning chemicals, emergency runs when inventory runs low, and also helps save on inventory space with their JAWs Program.

The Just Add Water System (JAWS) offers a compelling solution to businesses of any size. JAWS enables businesses to have a clear understanding of the cleaning products and inventory they need on hand. This system not only helps in maintaining the necessary stock levels but also ensures that the management of these supplies is more streamlined and efficient.

With small tubes of clearly labeled tubes, all staff has to do is have a JAWs approved bottle, add water, and add the refill tube, and you have the right amount of solution for every clean. CITY’s route service representatives work with your management to determine the usage and manage your inventory, ensuring the product is always on the shelf so your cleaning schedule is never compromised.

By adopting solutions like JAWS and partnering with organizations like CITY, businesses can alleviate the hidden costs and inefficiencies associated with cleaning product management, ultimately contributing to a more productive and efficient working environment.


Clean and Simple!


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